
πŸ˜‡ Sandpack, finishing side projects for charity, and some news :)

#37 December 7, 2021

Hello there!

I I got promoted; I'm now a Senior Frontend Engineer!!! πŸ˜„πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰ This means a lot to me. I genuinely enjoy working with everyone here at Remote and it is amazing that Remote celebrates me as well!

Also, we've got React Conf this weekβ€”check out the different talks that they've got lined up! 😍

πŸ“š To read

πŸ‘€ Some more cool stuff

⌨️ Keyboards

Matrix 2.0add with GMK Led Zep Matrix 2.0add with GMK Led Zep

dyz40 with GMK Deep Navy dyz40 with GMK Deep Navy

That's all for now, have a great week!

Stay kind πŸ’œ


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