
New Year, new post

#1 January 17, 2021

Hello there!

Happy 2021 :)

New post on the blog!

I posted on my blog this past week โ€” about my 2020 in review. It was a weird year for us all, but I was able to accomplish quite a lot still.


In some personal news, I started using my mechanical keyboard a lot more thanks to having my remote work setup complete. I'm slowly getting faster at typing as wellโ€”I'm at about 72 WPM. Also, if you haven't already, check out monkeytype!

Here's a couple things that caught my eye this past month:

GMK Awaken GMK Awaken: a new keycap set announced over at geekhack.

KBDfans D65 with RAMA Heavy Industry KBDfans D65 with RAMA Heavy Industry

To read

That's all for now! Once again, happy new year to you! May this year be everything that you want it to be ๐Ÿ’œ


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