
πŸ‘‹ Hello from React India 2021

#35 November 16, 2021

Hello there!

React India finally happened last weekβ€”if we were on the same table in the lounge, hi again! Like any conference, the lounge/booth conversations were equally exciting as the actual talks themselves, especially when there were so many interesting people to interact with too! (Disclaimer: I may or may not start preparing for the React India 2022 conference CFP already πŸ‘€)

I also attended DX Club's AMA with Kabir Nazir β€” who has been living in the Himalayas for over 2 years now. 🀯 Lots of great advice and tips as always, love what they've been doing over the last couple of months.

πŸ“š To read

πŸ‘€ Some more cool stuff

⌨️ Keyboards

TM6800 with MT3 WoB TM6800 with MT3 WoB

40% Planck with SA "Press F" 40% Planck with SA "Press F"

and a bonus family photo!

GOK 7v x4 with (clockwise from top left) GMK Dracula, GMK Obilivion, GMK Modern Dolch Light, GMK Blue Samurai GOK 7v x4 with (clockwise from top left) GMK Dracula, GMK Obilivion, GMK Modern Dolch Light, GMK Blue Samurai

That's all for now, have a great week!

Stay kind πŸ’œ


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